Paul Wickham Pharmacy
Paul Wickham Pharmacy is a community pharmacy located in Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia.
I was employed to develop a new website and maintain the pharmacy's IT infrastructure.
- Client : Paul Wickham, Paul Wickham Pharmacy
- Year : 2013-2015
- Category : WordPress Development, Digital Consulting
- Company website :
WordPress Development
I developed a brand new, comprehensive website, replacing the basic 2 page website that the pharmacy previously had. This involved developing a significant amount of new written content with Paul Wickham, the owner/pharmacist, then using this content to formulate an informative, engaging pharmacy website that was consistent with the pharmacy's brand identity.
Digital Consulting
I was responsible for ongoing maintenance of the pharmacy's IT infrastructure, performing regular security updates, and upgrading various aging IT hardware components.
I also ran a system wide upgrade of the pharmacy’s systems to Windows 10. This involved liaising with the pharmacy specific ERP companies that ran the backend of the pharmacy’s operations to ensure that there was no downtime during the upgrade.
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Contact Me
My Details
547 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.